Dr. Mary McMains has more than 23 years of experience and dedicated to providing quality vision care to all ages. She is Board Certified in Vision Development and Vision Therapy by the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, holds a Master of Education Degree in Visual Function in Learning and a Diplomate of the American Board of Optometry. Dr. McMains is a Nevadan native, growing up in Las Vegas and leaving Las Vegas with a bachelor degree from UNLV, before attending optometry school at Pacific University. She has also lived and practiced in California and Texas. She has special interest in visual function, particularly in sports vision and myopia control.
She has been providing eyecare to remote Alaskan villages where patients would not otherwise receive care. She loves to spend time with her son and daughter. She is an avid reader and movie goer, but also enjoys kayaking, hiking, cooking and just overall experiencing and learning new things. She loves cars, especially fast ones. Her favorite quote is “Argue for your limitations and sure enough they’re yours.”